2021 WJC Year-End Appeal
While we don’t have any books or other items to offer this year, we do have some more ethereal offerings that we are pleased to bestow on you for your generosity.
For your donation of:
$36 and above – “Chai” equals 18, so for $36 you get a double dose of life, as in “To life! To life! L’chayim!…”
$72 and above – Complimentary membership in the Western Hemisphere Of MEnsches Society, also known as “WHO, ME?”
$108 and above – Blanket permission to kvetch about anything you wish for up to an hour. Enjoy!
$180 and above – Permanent absolution for not caring about the Super Bowl, or about any of those other stupid sports, forever.
$360 and above – Our very special “Get Into Heaven Free” card. (Never expires, and we hope you don’t, either!)