Birth Your Next Creation and Repair the World, with Julia Indichova

The longing to use our gifts and make a contribution that serves the greater good springs from the deepest, most truthful place within us. Whether one yearns to birth a baby, a book, a relationship, a healthier body, a business, or a peaceful world, the process remains the same: conception, gestation, labor, and finally birth. 

Through experiential processes we will:

a.   place our creation into a context of Tikkun Olam

b.   understand Bereshit as a blue print of the creative process

c.    introduce the concepts of the Fertile Heart Birthing Practice through the lens of Torah

d.   enhance our ability to receive trustworthy inner guidance

e.   experience creation as a conscious revelatory process 

Julia Indichova’s day job entails supporting women & couples who wish to birth a child. At her second work station, she aims to deepen the discourse on the roots of violence and support the birth of a more peaceful future. She is the author of two books, Inconceivable & The Fertile Female, and the founder of @FertileHeart & @FertileHeartedHuman work and story have been featured on Good Morning America, NPR’s 51%, the Oprah Winfrey Show, in Tablet Magazine, HuffPo, the Chronogram & more. One-Heart Revolution is a collection of essays and poems due for publication in January of 2025.