Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue: What does this admonition require of Jewish Americans?

Every day there is more news of the radical changes in our federal government that are being enacted by Trump Administration Executive Order (EO) which threaten the rights and lives of women, trans/gay children, the LGBTQ community, people of color, immigrants, and Jews, among many others. These changes will impact all Americans in the ways that we do business and make our living, receive healthcare, and interact with the judicial system.

The EO’s not only violate the U.S. Constitution but Jewish conceptions of justice. Justice demands recognition of human dignity and protection of difference, whether such difference is framed by sex, gender, national origin, race, religion or economic class. 

With Kris McDaniel-Miccio as a guide, we will examine the legal and political initiatives undertaken by the current federal administration, its impact on our rights, and our responsibility, particularly in connection with Jewish conceptions of justice, to challenge such policies



Kris McDaniel-Miccio, JD LLM JS.D., is a professor of law, an attorney and ordained rabbi. A native of the Bronx, Kris lived in Woodstock and was an active member of WJC before moving to Colorado. The recipient of myriad awards for her teaching, scholarship and advocacy, Kris is most proud of litigation which overturned Colorado’s bar on same sex marriage, a law suit reversing thirty years of wage discrimination against women professors at the University of Denver Law School, a plethora of cases in NY Courts which held male intimate partners liable for violence, and legislation authored to protect equality and legal rights here in the U.S. and the EU.