Be Involved

Volunteers are the foundation of our community. We build connection and community when we share projects and tasks.

High Holy Days in Woodstock

Join with over 1000 of us under the tent in the woods of Woodstock for our deeply moving services.
Everyone is welcome!

First Annual Shomrei Adamah Day

As we join together as a Congregation to tend our Land at the (hopefully) First Annual Shomrei Adamah – Keepers of the Earth Day.

Interfaith Ceremony to Remember the Holocaust

The Role of the Church in Abetting the Holocaust, and the Amends that Must Be Made
with special guest speaker: Reverend Sonja Tillberg Maclary, Christ Lutheran Church, Woodstock

The Origins and History of Zionism

To better understand the present, we must understand the past. In this course, we will apply this principle to better understand the modern State of Israel.


This easy rolling hike will specifically focus on “distinguishing features of tree species ..and.. identifying the beginning budding of local flora.

Men’s Group

Upcoming Men’s Group meetings and events [calendar id=”6533″]

Sustainablility Movie Series

Feel good as you come to our upbeat and energizing film & discussion series on reversing climate change through what we do with food, from farm to fridge and beyond.