Join a committee to meet new friends, share your skills, and provide a valuable service to the congregation.
Holiday Committee
The Holiday Committee facilitates the observance of Jewish holidays celebrated by the Congregation. A fun way to learn about the holidays with others and plan ways to celebrate. Members of this committee can choose to work on their favorite holidays. Contact: Diane Colello.
Fundraising Committee
The Fundraising Committee is responsible for all fundraising events. Volunteers are welcome to work on individual events, as well as join the committee. Contact: Michele Lerner.
High Holy Day Committee
The mission of the High Holidays Committee is to help the staff prepare a welcoming environment for the High Holy Day services. Volunteer effort is key to the success of the High Holy Day experience. Contact the office: WJC Office
Chesed Circle
The Chesed Circle provides Acts of Loving-Kindness (chesed) to congregants and our local community. The Chesed Circle encourages our congregants to be part of a community that cares about each other. It provides support for the mourner and for the ill and homebound. It educates our community about Chesed and Jewish values and practices. Contact the office: WJC Office
Women’s Rosh Chodesh
Rosh Chodesh has from ancient times been associated with women and with the sacred feminine. This meaningful program incorporates ritual, learning, connection and inspiration as we learn about the significance of the month and celebrate the rebirth of the moon. The group meets on Sunday mornings. Check the calendar for dates.
Men’s Group
The Men’s Group’s mission is to engage those who identify as men in a community of camaraderie, support, ruach ..and.. to strengthen and support the Congregation.
Women’s Group
The Mission of the Women’s Group of the WJC is to engage in a community of camaraderie and support. The group meets monthly and is open to people who identify as women. Contact: Myra Schwartz or Ruth Beyl.
In the Book of Genesis, Torah teaches that humans are to be Shomrei Adamah, “guardians of the earth.” To fulfill its commitment to this major Jewish value, the WJC has been striving to become a model of environmental stewardship.
Please become a Shabbat Host
We need two hundred people every year to set out our kiddush, welcome our community, and take charge of clean up. That’s two of us at each service. You will be with a seasoned host when you volunteer, so that there are no surprises. It’s an easy and rewarding mitzvah! Sign up HERE.
Office Help
Help is always appreciated for mailings and other routine tasks. Please email the office if you’re willing to help out.